Our practice is located in Hamburg; there, in the centre of Blankenese. You can reach us easily by car and by suburban train (the suburban train station”Blankenese” is nearby). You will find the entrance to our clinic behind the building. The clinic is on the second floor.


ATLASPRAXIS® Flick | Blankeneser Bahnhofstraße 11 | 22587 Hamburg | Germany
Phone +49 40 866 488 780 | Facsimile +49 40 866 488 789 | email@atlaspraxis.de

Detailed maps

How to find us by car
How to find us by suburban train

Further Information

Unfortunately, our practice is not barrier-free. Please speak to us personally as a wheelchair user, if necessary we can then arrange a home visit.


Suburban train information


If you already have an appointment, you may send us some information in advance.

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