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Atlasprofilax in Hamburg

Gernot and Anja Flick have been trained at the Atlas Academy® (Switzerland). They offer the Atlasprofilax®-method by René-Claudius Schümperli.


“Nothing truly valuable grows out of ambition or sense of duty, but rather from love and loyality to human beings and things.” Albert Einstein

Say Goodbye To Pain And Hello To A Better Posture

Our mild and proven atlas correction is a decision for life. As the uppermost vertebra, theatlas supports the head and thus has a special significance anatomically and energetically.


Studies have shown that a majority of people have a misalignment of the atlanto-occipital joint. Your Atlasprof® will explain to you during the initial consultation how misalignments can occur. 


Our proven method according to René-Claudius Schümperli relaxes existing tensions through a targeted massage of the short neck muscles. A specially developed and patented device is used for this purpose. This allows the atlas to position itself optimally. Subsequent control with theadditional support of the self-healing process is essential. Generally, the AtlasPROfilax® application always follows this scheme:

1st Appointment

  • Informative discussion, and diagnosis
  • If necessary, application of the AtlasPROfilax® method

2nd Appointment Follow-up includes

  • Massage or other complementary treatment
  • Discussion to verify the effects after the correction
  • If necessary, recommendations for supportive complementary applications

Our Experience

Our many years of experience with the method show that the atlas, as the uppermost cervi- cal vertebra, once it has acquired its optimal position, usually remains stable in its correct position. This gives you the chance to unlock new abilities of self-healing – including an increase in vitality on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

Schümperli had a dream 

After his long-suffering, the Swiss René Claudius Schümperli developed a special massage of the neck muscles from 1993 to 1996. He aimed to correct an existing misalignment of the first cer- vical vertebra precisely, completely safely, and permanently with a single application, without the need for straightening or other manipula- tions. This was the birth of the AtlasPROfilax® method.

A correctly positioned atlas aligns the body 

The uppermost cervical vertebra, the Atlas, holds a key position for the entire body. Among other things, the spinal cord and spinal fluid run through it. In addition, cranial nerves and other fine nerve tracts as well as blood vessels are located here. This explains its potential to influence circulatory disorders or a reduced or distorted flow of information between the head and the body due to malpositions and permanent pressure. The healthy balance and unrestricted interaction of nerves, muscles, and organs are already shaped here. However, a large proportion of people have an unnoticed misalignment of the atlanto-occipital joint. 

Releasing new strength 

A functionally unrestricted atlas leads to many positive effects when observed. Activated self-healing powers stimulate our complex body- mind-spirit system. Everyone knows the liberating effect when the pain subsides. This relief has an equally produc- tive effect on our physical feeling as well as on our mood and our access to the social environ- ment. Well-being and energy can be restored.


Misalignments of the atlanto-occipital joint potentially endanger our balance – both physi- cally and mentally. When the atlas returns to its natural position through correction and thus to its unrestricted functionality, the body is often able to regain its regulative powers. Alignment is thus not only physically possible but also linked to a new dimension of health. Every person brings a history to the process and unfolds his or her self-healing along his or her possibilities. 

The sooner the better 

Everyone‘s body reacts to systemic disturbances initially with counter-reactions, for example compensating for misalignments of the atlas through a displacement in the sacroiliac joint. The symptoms that point to a problem only begin after a while. But often, the pain does not arise at the source, but at the most vulnerable point in the chain of compensatory actions. The more time that passes between the start of the prob- lem and its correction, the longer the healing process can take. Therefore, the healing effects are most evident, especially in children or freshly created traumas.

Pay attention to yourself 

Attention to oneself, one‘s actions, and the en- vironment are important factors for a balanced and happy life. A freely functioning atlanto-oc- cipital joint creates a solid basis to bring the necessary energy and freedom for this.

Take everything into consideration

In the question of a fulfilled life, freedom from stress is a very important factor. It is equally important to take habits and the environment into account. Does your current profession make you happy? What dreams are only put on hold? Whatever moves you, if the necessary energy for change is suddenly there again, your family should also be ready for it. Therefore, we recommend that you do not make a correction in isolation, and experience the effect together with the most important people in your life. This way you will develop together. It is a decision for life.

What else to do 

To respond to each person‘s very own self-heal- ing process, the recommended supportive treatment framework during or after an atlas correction varies greatly. Please keep in mind that our method is not a substitute for medi- cal or curative treatment or diagnostics. It is primarily anapplication that aims to optimally set your body up for self-healing, preferably in a preventive way.

Stay in contact 

Since any self-healing process can still trigger reactions in the body weeks or months later, we invite you in advance to observe yourself very closely after a correction. Stay in touch with your Atlasprof® and consciously use this expe- rience to turn your life in the direction you want. Your atlas specialist, the Atlasprof®, will recommend from his experience, if necessary, suggestions for further supportive measures af- ter the AtlasPROfilax® itself or with a network of experts, which fit your body and your goals.

Source: The International Association of Certified Atlasprof®s (IAQA)

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