FUNK UHR reports on Atlas therapy and how it can help with dizziness.

FUNK UHR, readout 23/2024, Release date May 31st, 2024

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The Klönschnack reports on the Atlaspraxis in Blankenese.

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The aempf magazine takes up the topic of dizziness (during pregnancy) and quotes the Atlaspraxis. (2023)

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Neue Post

An article titled "Atlas-Therapie: Blockaden lösen" has been published in 2018 in the magazine “Neue Post”.

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Neue Post

An article titled "Atlas-Therapie – sanfte Hilfe bei Kopfweh & Co" has been published in 2016 in the magazine “Neue Post”.

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An article titled "Atlas-Therapie: So werden wir Schmerzen los" has been published in the MEINS magazine in 2015. The MEINS-Managing Editor Stephanie Gottmann was treated and describes her experience with the Atlasprofilax method.

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An article titled "Das ruckelt sich zurecht..." regarding the Atlasprofilax method has been posted within the Brigitte (10 / 2010). It is a comparison with the so-called „manuellen Therapie”. This article is only available in German.

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The Taz also has an atticle on Atlasprofilax in 2012.

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The article “Gesundheit ist eine Frage der Haltung” was currently published in the

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TV Hören und Sehen and TV14

TV Hören und Sehen and TV 14 also inform 2010 about the Atlasprofilax.

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TV Hören und Sehen

2012 TV Hören und Sehen once more had an article.

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Film on

The medicine portal has shot a short film about the Atlaspraxis in 2014. It shows the Atlasprofilax method. (It is only available in German.)

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Film on

The medicine portal has shot a short second film about the Atlaspraxis in 2014. This one shows the follow-up care after the Atlasprofilax method. (It is only available in German.)

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