In the past, we have been able to help many people sustainably with atlas therapy. Nevertheless, everyday life with its demands can catch up with us again and again and tensions are often the result. Also after accidents, falls, operations, etc. it often needs renewed help. You are welcome to contact us and make an appointment!

To support you, we now also offer online exercises. Here we can draw on a pool of 23,000 exercises and provide you with a very personal program. These exercises can then be accessed online or via app.  If you have recently been to us for an atlas correction and still have tension, we will access the medical history and create an individual workout for you. If the correction was already a little while ago, you can use this online form and tell us about your complaints.

We will then create your very own exercise program. We charge 16.40 Euros for this according to the Heilpraktiker fee schedule.

When do you want to start? Do something quickly against your tensions so that they do not remain permanently!

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    E Mail (required)


    Street and No. (required)

    ZIP (required)

    City (required)

    Country (required)

    Are you already a patient??

    Complaints in the cervical spine?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Complaints in the thoracic spine?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Complaints in the lumbar spine?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    sShoulder discomfort?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Hip pain?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Knee pain?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Foot pain?

    Are these complaints left, right or bilateral?

    Feel a "burn" in the pain regions?

    How many hours a day do you sit on your computer, tablet or smartphone? What do you do for a living, what does your everyday life look like?

    Do you play sports? Which sport and how often?

    How long have you been suffering from these symptoms?


    This online program does not replace a medical examination, especially after accidents or longer lasting complaints.

    By using this contact form you agree to our privacy policy. You also agree to the use of Google reCAPTCHA.

    Image right: Thanks to PublicDomainPictures

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