What do you really want?
The day will come when we will lie on our deathbeds. I was with other people, stood by their bed and saw them leave.
Imagine lying there…
- Would you be happy about all the used summer evenings?
- Would your heart feel full from all the time you consciously spent with your loved ones?
- Did you laugh enough?
- Would you be proud of your courage to let go when it came to a new adventure? A new love? A new life?
- Would you look back on a self-determined life?
Or would you only remember your fear, your worries and excuses? When we leave, we always regret the things we didn’t do. The reasons why we hesitated are then often no longer relevant. They leave emptiness and pain behind. The tank of life is not full. Not a good time to leave.
- What do you really want from life?
- What is your truth about life and death?
- Are you tired of being controlled by others?
- Would you like to be able to say: “Yes, I lived the way I wanted to.”
- Would you like others to say that I would have liked to have lived this life? And do you think you can achieve that by only living for others? For your boss, for your colleagues, for your partner, for your children…for those out there?
Hello from Hamburg, I’m Thomas Reich!

I have been working as a coach since 2008, accompanying people on their way to a self-determined life. Of course, you decide which path that is for you and not me as a coach.
My life was also determined by others for many years. I never asked myself what I really wanted. Until I met my first coach Claudia. She had asked me the question, the 5-word question:
What do you really want?
At first I thought, “She’s kidding me. That can’t be the whole question.” But that was the whole question, and it changed my life exactly the way I wanted it to be.
At the end of these lines you will find a brief explanation of how I work as a coach, but now back to my question.
“What do you really want?” is a simple question that can throw us completely off course if we answer it honestly. A question that can make us aware that our lives are determined by others. A question that can show us what we no longer want.
And it can get really uncomfortable when someone asks more questions, gives us feedback, or shows us the mirror of their own life.
Why do I write “can”?
Very easy. It “can” be very uncomfortable at first to deal with the question “What do you really want?”. But if you get involved, it “can” really free you inside and out.
To free
- from fears,
- of concerns,
- from the hamster wheel of daily madness,
- of expectations that others have of you and
- of external determination by your environment.
In success, the majority of people seek happiness. Again and again we are on the lookout, see happiness in further successes, sometimes to the last breath, to death. In our society, however, success is often confused with performance. That’s why we often run through the world like the deranged, trying again and again to surpass ourselves in what we do. Higher. More quickly. Further.
You know the game
We think since we’ve been sold that way since we were born, success makes us happy. We look for success first at work, regardless of whether we are employed or self-employed. In private, we don’t always call it success, we want to do justice to others and not step on others’ toes. However, in private we often feel even worse than at work, because at work we can usually measure our success or failure.
The private unhappiness is then quickly hidden by always answering the question: “How are you?” with a “Thank you.”, although we often feel really shitty.
One day we will be on our deathbeds. One day we will know that our time has come. Only then do we usually honestly think about whether we were really happy and realize:
“Oops, there are a lot of wishes and dreams that I haven’t fulfilled. I always thought I still have time for that. I thought…”
Then we regret all the things that we kept putting off when we were still in the juice. We wonder why didn’t we just do it?
What do you really want?
So why don’t you just ask yourself that NOW? You are reading these lines now. You are still alive now, there is still so much to do. Now is the best time to figure out what you really want.
If you would like to talk to me – Thomas Reich – about this, you are cordially invited to do so.
My basic attitude is that every person only has strengths. There are no weaknesses that we are born with. That’s just what we’re told from the moment we’re born. My clients are always and exclusively the focus of coaching. So it’s always about you and the support you need for your next step.
Empathy and empathy
One of my greatest strengths is empathy and sensitivity. I put myself in the situations and perspectives of my customers. So I understand how the different challenges affect them.
When my customers talk, I listen very carefully. So I can hear the subtle nuances of what they say and what they don’t say, but feel inside.
Find yourself
Intrinsic motivation has been the basis for my coaching for 10 years. We all have them in us, but very few know them. People have always asked themselves the question: “Who am I?” The question of the self is as old as mankind. It often first appears in adolescence. It is not uncommon for the desire for self-discovery to run through half of life. One worries more, the other less.
In the middle of life, the so-called midlife crisis often arises with the sobering question: “Is that all?”
If you would like to talk to me – Thomas Reich – about this, you are cordially invited to do so.
Your coach and companion
Thomas Reich
Curious: https://die-reich-methode.com/mit-mir-arbeiten/
Why is a vitamin D test also important in summer!

Even in summer there are regions and times when the sun’s rays are not sufficient to ensure optimal production of vitamin D in the skin. This can be influenced by factors such as geographical location, cloudiness, air pollution, sunscreen and personal habits. A test can tell you whether your body is synthesizing enough vitamin D from sunlight.
The body’s ability to produce vitamin D can also vary from person to person. Some people may have trouble producing enough vitamin D even with sun exposure due to genetic or physiological factors.
A lack of vitamin D can have a variety of negative health effects, including a weakened immune system, bone health problems, muscle weakness, and an increased risk of certain chronic diseases. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and certain types of cancer.
A regular vitamin D test can help identify potential risks and take preventive measures in good time.
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Tips for mental health after the corona pandemic!

Paying attention to mental health is particularly important in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, as many people have dealt with the effects of the pandemic in different ways. Here are some tips to promote mental health:
Prioritize self-care: Make conscious time for yourself. Do things that bring you joy, be it reading, going for a walk, cooking or doing relaxation exercises. Self-care helps reduce stress and increase overall well-being.
Maintain social connections: After isolation during the pandemic, it is important to rebuild social connections. Spend time with friends and family, whether in person or virtually. Shared activities can increase feelings of belonging and support.
Exercise and physical health: Regular physical activity can have a positive impact on mental health. Exercise helps reduce stress, ease mood swings and increase energy.
Healthy diet: A balanced diet can help stabilize mood. Eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods to optimally support your body and mind.
Mindfulness and relaxation: Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help calm the mind and reduce stress. These techniques promote mindfulness and improve the ability to cope with stress.
Structure and routine: Reestablishing a daily structure and routine can help regain a sense of normality. A structured daily routine can reduce stress and increase a sense of control.
Set boundaries: Learn to set boundaries and not overwhelm yourself. Say “no” when you have too many obligations and learn to recognize and respect your own needs.
Professional support: Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you feel like you need support. Therapists, psychologists, and counselors can help you process difficult emotions and develop coping strategies.
Positive Perspective: Try to have a positive perspective and focus on the things you value and look forward to. This can help keep pessimistic thoughts at bay.
Be patient with yourself: Changes in mental health take time. Be patient with yourself and accept that it is okay to take on challenges and make progress slowly.
Remember that mental health is individual. What works for one person may not necessarily be suitable for another. Find the strategies that best suit your situation and don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family or professionals if you need it.
Do you need help? Please feel free to contact us!
Picture rights: Thomas Reich, https://pixabay.com/ Thanks to PublicDomainPictures