Frequencies help against muscle cramps

  The “Spiegel” reported last week about the fact that frequencies hepl against muscle cramps. Researchers think they found something new ( However this is not new! We from the Atlaspraxis have been working successfully with the biomechanical muscle stimulation by Prof. Dr. Nazarov to release tension and prevent muscle cramps. The biomechanical muscle stimulationRead more ⟶

Since April 16th 2005 we offer the Atlasprofilax method in Hamburg. After 9 years, we now adjust the prices.

The Atlasprofilax method is a massage technique. Adults are in need of two appointments (adjustment and massage). Kids do not require the second appointment. The costs for adults will be raised from 180 Euros to 220 Euros (adjustment and massage), children will still pay 120 Euros. The new prices will be effective starting July 1stRead more ⟶

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